
Joint Operation Campaigns

Regular joint operations are held incorporating SA Police Service, Traffic Services, Law Enforcement, Metro Police, and various security companies aimed at securing the CID business environment. “Hot spot” areas are identified in order to address issues of concern.

Security Service Provider

Byers Security Solutions were appointed from the 1 July 2018 as the CID’s Security Service provider.

All incidents must be reported directly to the Byers Security patrol vehicle on 062 641 5281 or the Control room on 0860 18 16 18.

Wall on Public open space (Erf 12698) - Reactor Street

Due to the existing vibracrete wall that was carried away by the vagrants and people dumping and entering the area via the public open space, the CID installed a 2.2m high Hollowcore wall, 56m in length, in May 2019.


In October 2019 galvanized concertina razor wire on Y-bends and shark tooth spikes were installed on top of the wall.


A request was submitted to SPO: Transport Network Development regarding the huge traffic congestion in Peter Barlow Road.

After an investigation was completed, the City of Cape Town recommended a slip road be built in Electron Street to assist vehicles exiting out of Electron Street, and a slip road on the left hand side in Peter Barlow Road at the intersection of Strand and Peter Barlow to ease the RHT movement delays.

Construction in progress: Electron Street.

Construction in progress: Peter Barlow

This was completed in June 2018.

Electron Str.

Peter Barlow Rd.

Promotion of the Triangle Industrial City Improvement District - Tyger Burger

25 March 2020
25 March 2020
18 December 2013
18 December 2013
August 2009

The CID would like to thank all the sponsors in Triangle Farm who made the publication possible.


Media Release: Tyger Burger

17 July 2024
24 March 2022
30 October 2019
23 October 2019
19 June 2019
19 December 2018
25 April 2018
20 December 2017
28 September 2016
26 November 2014
12 September 2012

Fencing at the entrance of Triangle Farm

Before: Brug Str. entrance.

In November 2014 Betafence fencing with serrated spikes on top (536m) was installed on the public open space at the entrance of Triangle Farm.


In December 2014 three boards were installed on the betafence.

In February 2015:
The CID extended the fence with a further 35.3m in Tetra Street which was an escape route for criminals. (Total length of fence: 571.3m)

A gate, similar to the fencing, was installed for Electrical Services to enter their sub-station and for the CID’s Cleansing Service to cut the grass.

An extra panel was also installed on each end of the betafence.

Due to a servitude in Tetra Street, the CID removed two of the existing Betafence panels and installed a gate in July 2015 for the City of Cape Town to gain access to their premises.

CCTV Cameras / Signage

The Triangle Industrial CID has installed a total of eight cameras in Triangle Farm.

At the two entrances of Brug and Electron Street an Overview and LPR (Licence Plate Recognition Camera System) has been installed. Two Overview cameras have also been installed in Uranium Street.

The handing over of the cameras took place in September 2015. The CID did a Promotion page in the 30 September 2015 edition of the Tyger Burger.

In June 2019 the CID extended the current CCTV cameras and installed a further two cameras, one on the corner of Brug and Micro Street, and the other at the intersection of Isotope and Brug Street.

Four boards were installed by the CID at the two entrances in Brug and Electron Roads informing the area ia protected by CCTV cameras, including the “emergency numbers”. The CID would like to thank GBS Security for sponsoring half of the costs.

The CID would also like to thank Afriwire & Steel for sponsoring the CID with a further two boards that were installed on the fencing.


In August 2020 the CID extended the CCTV cameras and installed three cameras at three intesections in Uranium Street due to this section being a high crime risk, and borders the railway reserve and public open space.

C/O Uranium & Molecule Str
C/O Uranium & Thermo Str
C/O Uranium & Isotope Str

Four signboards were installed on the fence at the three intersections in Uranium Street informing this area is protected by CCTV cameras and security.

Bus Stop Signage

An investigation was done after complaints were received regarding busses stopping in the middle of the road to load and offload pedestrians. It was observed that Golden Arrrow busses are operating in the Triangle Farm area.

A request was submitted to Public Transport Infrastructure Planning & Design to investigate and find a safe area for busses to stop, and to implement the necessary signage and road markings.

A Bus Stop sign/road marking was installed in Brug Street and completed in October 2019.

Electrical Services

Complaints were received regarding the electrical box in Micro Street that was frequently damaged. The CID submitted a request to the Electrical Department and concrete bollards were placed alongside the box in March 2014 to avoid further damage.

Bush clearing along Metrorail reserve (Uranium Str.)

In June 2014 the CID’s Cleansing Service cut the Port Jacksons along the Metrorail reserve outside the CID boundary which posed as a high fire risk and also a potential hiding place for criminals. Two shacks were also found behind the trees and removed.


and again in March 2015...


Bush clearing on public open space (Erf 12698)

The CID submitted an urgent request to City Parks to clean the public open space (Erf 12698) adjacent to Triangle Farm due to the high fire risk and also being a potential hiding place for criminals and attracting squatters to the area. This was completed in February 2014.


Regular requests are submitted to City Parks for the bush clearing on the public open space.

This was completed in December 2016 and again in April 2017.


Due to the constant robberies taking place, makeshift structures being built between the Port Jacksons, and the high fire risk to businesses that are bordering the public open space, the CID’s Cleansing service did the bush clearing in June 2021.


Traffic Calming Measures

The CID submitted a request to the Head of Transport Network Development and the following Traffic measures were implemented. At the intersection of Electron & Peter Barlow Roads two side road junction warning signs were erected and appropriate road markings were implemented. The reason for implementing the measures was due to the high accident risk.

Due to the high volume pedestrians in Bridge Road, pedestrian parallel lines were implemented near the intersection of Bridge & Peter Barlow Road. The CID submitted a request to the Roads Department in January 2012 and a further three pedestrian warning boards were erected in Bridge Road.

Due to vehicles speeding and the high volume of pedestrian in Bridge Road four 60km “speed limit” boards were erected. The CID submitted a request to the Roads Department in January 2012 and the following was completed.

All the intersections, stop streets and barrier lines were painted throughout the whole Triangle Farm CID area.

A Cul-de-sac board was erected at the entrance of Atomic Road.

All the road signage was repaired in the CID area.

The CID submitted a request to the Roads & Stormwater to tar all the damaged roads/around lamp poles and repair all potholes in Triangle Farm. In October 2013 all the roads were repaired.

before photos


after photos

The CID submitted a request to Roads & Storm water and a “Keep Clear” sign was painted at the intersection of Peter Barlow and Electron Street in October 2013.

A further request was submitted and the Roads & Storm water painted all the street lines/street names in November 2013.

Boards: City Parks

The CID submitted a request to City Parks for three boards to be erected to prevent people from making fire, dumping, parking and loitering on the Public Open Space in Electron, Uranium and Thermo Roads. The CID would like to thank City Parks for supplying and erecting the boards.

In October 2013 City Parks supplied the CID with a further two boards that was installed on the P.O.S. at the entrance of Bridge Street.


The CID submitted a request to City Parks to install benches on the P.O.S. next to Chris Steytler for the disabled people and also at the entrance in Bridge Road. City Parks supplied and installed four benches for the CID.

In August 2013 the CID installed two more benches on the P.O.S. at the entrance of Bridge Street supplied by City Parks.

CID Boards/Signage

Signboards sponsored by Broll were erected at both entrances at Brug and Electron Street.

In January 2015 another signboard, sponsored by API Property Group, was erected in Peter Barlow Road.

In February 2018 all three signboards was refurbished.

Staircase / Retaining wall / Landscaping

A staircase and a retaining wall was built on the corner of Bridge and Peter Barlow Road to prevent the sand from being washed onto the road surface and causing blockage of drains during heavy rains.

The CID submitted a request to City Parks to repair the broken irrigation system on the public open space at the entrance of Bridge Road. City Parks installed two new valves and the irrigation system is in working order.

Ten trees were obtained from City Parks and planted by the CID.

Two Pathways

The CID obtained permission from the various departments to build two pathways leading to the bridge on the c/o Peter Barlow and Bridge Roads. The pathways were completed in December 2012

New pathways were built on the public open space at the entrance of Triangle Farm in Bridge Street to accommodate the huge volumes of pedestrians and completed in October 2015.

Public Lighting

Lamp poles were installed in Uranium and Thermo Streets.

A request was submitted and a site meeting arranged with the Public Lighting Department to install lamp poles next to the pathways on the public open space at the entrance of Bridge Road and on the opposite side of the road bordering the BP garage.

This was completed in November 2015.

A further request was submitted to the Public Lighting department to install more lamp poles in Thermo Sreet due to insufficient lighting.

In February 2017 the lamp poles were installed and completed.

Due to insufficient lighting at the entrance of Electron Street a request was submitted to the Electrical Lighting Development to install lamp poles.

This was completed in February 2021.

Litter Bins

Litter bins were placed throughout the whole area.

Illegal Dumping

The City spends around R350 million annually in its efforts to keep pace with the volumes of illegally dumped waste that appears across Cape Town.

Illegal dumping has been noticed in the Triangle Farm area.

The City has 24 waste drop-off sites across Cape Town... click below for:
> Drop off sites operating hours &
> Don’t dump – Drop off

Please report illegal dumping (if possible obtain registration number of vehicle) to the City’s Public Emergency Communication Centre (PECC) on 021- 480 700 from a cell phone or 107 from a landline or 086 010 3089.

No Dumping Boards

Council has supplied Triangle Farm with 10 No Dumping boards. PLEASE contact the CID manager immediately on
021 949 4564 should you observe any person dumping in the area, and to please supply registration numbers of the vehicles.

Combo Litterbins

Directosign sponsored the CID with ten Combo litterbins.

In case of an emergency, street names and the CID’s “Emergency numbers” have been included on each bin and placed throughout the area.

Businesses in the area who would like to place an advert on the bins can contact Thea Roodt from Directosign on 082 041 2221.


Swing Bins

The CID submitted a request to City Parks to install swing bins on the P.O.S. along the pathway. City Parks are to be thanked for supplying and installing the bins in May 2013.


Eight Containers Removed in Uranium Rd

The presence of eight containers in Uranium Road presented an unsightly picture. The CID addressed the issue and the containers were removed.

Urban Cleansing Service Provider

The services of two cleaners were contracted by the CID through “Agtemekaar Tuindienste” as a “top up” cleansing service to the City of Cape Town. The Cleansing Service takes care of the grass-cutting, de-weeding, litter removal, sweeping of streets
and verges.

BP Garage

The CID met with numerous role players regarding the problems experienced on the City of Cape Town’s property adjacent to the BP garage. Concerns were raised concerning the presence of large trucks in close proximity to the electrical power boxes. The owner of the garage in question is to be thanked for erecting guard rails in order to prevent this from occurring.

Gate and Turnstile: Uranium Road

To prevent people from entering the area with trolleys, and from driving in and dumping on the P.O.S., the CID installed a new gate including a turnstile at the bottom of Uranium Road in June 2013.



Spikes on wall

35m Spikes were installed on top of the wall, gate and the turnstile.


Board: “Emergency Numbers"

A board was installed on the gate with the GBS Security emergency contact details clearly displayed on the board.

Warning Board

Due to the robberies taking place on the public open space leading from Uranium Road, the CID installed a “Warning” board on the gate in January 2016.

Please inform your employees this is a high crime area and they should take an alternative route for their own safety.

The CID would like to thank Beekman Canopies for donating half of the costs towards the board.


The CID completed nine sections of landscaping in 2013 to beautify and uplift the area.






A further four sections of landscaping at the entrance of Electron Street was completed in July 2013.


A further two sections of landscaping was completed by the CID in Brug Street and Uranium Street in July 2014.

Brug Street
Uranium Street

In August 2014 the CID changed the landscaping in Bridge Street to a double pathway to accommodate the pedestrians in the area. Four concrete bollards were also placed alongside the landscaping to prevent trucks from driving over and damaging the landscaping.

Landscaping on the public open space at the entrance of Bridge Road to uplift and beautify the area was completed in May 2016.

Two sections of the landscaping on the corner of Brug and Molecule Street was upgraded and completed in February 2018.

Landscaping was completed on the corner of Brug and Proton Street in February 2021.

Landscaping was completed in Brug Street in August 2021.

Millings for two parking areas

Roads & Storm water supplied the CID with millings which was levelled and compacted at the two parking areas in Atomic and Tetra Streets by the CID.


Social Project

The CID decided as part of our Social responsibility towards the community to embark on a recycling project to assist a neighbouring school in Bellville-South.

This project was launched in April 2012 with the assistance of the business associates in the CID area.


Funds generated from the recycling project are used for repairs and upliftment projects at Winsley Primary School in Bellville-South.


The roof panels were repaired.


Burglar bars were installed in the library.


The CID would also like to thank Mr. M. Claassen (CID Chairperson) for sponsoring the security gate for the library.


Signage was sponsored by Mr. C. Munro (CID director) and installed in June 2014 at Winsley Primary School, Bellville-South, bordering Peter Barlow Drive.


With the funds generated from the recycling project 54 fluorescent lights and starters were purchased for the school in March 2017.

In June 2018 blinds were installed at the school.


The CID would like to thank Mr. Gert Stander (CEO of GBS Security) for sponsoring jackets to all the prefects and teachers at Winsley Primary School in Bellville-South in July 2015.


The CID did a Promotion page in the 5 August 2015 edition of the Tyger Burger – 3 pages that was distributed to Bellville, Durbanville and Brackenfell area – 66 959 newspapers.

The CID would like to thank all the companies for placing an advertisement.


Mr. C. Munro (Transtech) sponsored the design and installation of the board for the entrance of the school.



Promotion page: Tyger Burger – 27 April 2016:
The opening of Winsley Primary School’s library and handing over of the board for the entrance of the school took place on the 19 April 2016. An article on this event appeared in the 27 April 2016 edition of the Tyger Burger and was distributed to Bellville, Brackenfell and Durbanville.

The CID would like to thank the following companies for placing an advertisement in the Tyger Burger for the CID’s promotion page:

Webasto, Transtech, Belmet Marine, Meyer & Ferreira, Afriwire & Steel, Trans Pharm, GBS Labour & Security and Watertite Guttering.


The school requested assistance with personal protective equipment (PPE). With the funds generated from the CID’s recycling project, the PPE was purchased and handed over to the school on the 30 June 2020.


With the funds generated from the CID’s Recycling project in 2021, 50 x 5L sanitizing bleach as requested by the school, was purchased and handed over to the school on the 7 April 2021.


New Jersey barriers

Due to trucks causing damage to Transnet’s fence in Reactor Street, the CID submitted an urgent request to Roads & Storm water and four “New Jersey” barriers were placed alongside the fence and painted by the CID.

Removal of Embankment on P.O.S. (Erven 12396)

The CID submitted a request to the Roads Department to remove an embankment on the P.O.S. which posed as a potential hiding place for criminals and a dumping site.

In March 2013 the Roads Department removed the embankment and leveled the ground.


Roadway on Public open space (Erf 12698)

Due to people burning copper wire almost daily and the high fire risk on the Public Open Space, property belonging to City Parks, the CID submitted a request to the Roads and Stormwater Department to construct a road along the fence line to make it accessible for Fire Services, SA Police to enter the property, and for the CID’s security services to patrol this section daily.


PPO Infrastructure TDA Cape Town again supplied millings and sand for the roadway on the public open space which was completed in October 2016.


Strand Street Bridge

The CID submitted a request to Transnet to close the opening in the bridge bordering Ferguson Street in Triangle Farm after a complaint of a theft was received.

Transnet is to be thanked for closing the bridge, thus preventing a potential hiding place for criminals.


In December 2012 it was reported people were entering on the opposite side of the bridge, and living and making fire within the structure of the bridge which posed a high safety risk.

The CID submitted a request and the vagrants were removed and the Roads Department closed the hole in the bridge.


Transnet Fencing: Reactor Road

Numerous requests were submitted to Transnet enquiring whether they were going to fix or replace their broken fence.
The broken fence was an escape route for criminals and posed a safety threat with people crossing the railway line daily.

In August 2011 Transnet erected the first phase and erected a 2m high fence.
In July 2012 Transnet erected a 2.4m high concrete fence 324m (second phase) in Reactor Road.

The CID would like to thank Transnet for closing off the whole section of their railway line boarding the CID area.


First Phase


In May 2019 the CID installed 730mm high galvanized razor wire attached to Y-brackets 156m in length to prevent people from jumping the fence and entering the area.


Second Phase


To prevent people from climbing over the wall the CID installed spikes on top of the wall in October 2013.
Ten “warning” boards were also mounted onto the wall.


In June 2018, 327m in length concertina Razor wire was installed on top of the wall.


Fencing Behind Chris Steytler: Uranium Road

The CID experienced problems with people entering the area behind Chris Steytler and crossing the railway line under the bridge. This was also used as an escape route for criminals.

The CID erected a fence 17m long in December 2011 and enclosed this section with 2m high panels, including flat wrap razor wire at the top and bottom of the fence.

In January 2012 a section of the flat wrap at the top of the fence was stolen. The CID removed the remainder of the flat wrap and then installed 17m galvanized cock’s comb spikes on top of the fence.


Broken Staircase on CID Boundary

A broken staircase with no entrance leading to a “busy” Peter Barlow Road posed as a high safety risk.
The CID submitted a request to the Roads Department and in March 2012 the staircase was removed.


Metrorail Fencing / Landscaping: Uranium Street

The first phase of the Metrorail fencing (135m) was completed in October 2010. The landscaping (135m) has also been completed next to the fence in Uranium Road.

The CID completed the second phase (760m) of Metrorail’s fence in July 2011. The total length of the fence is 895m.
Flat wrap razor wire (895m) was installed at the top and bottom of the Metrorail fence and completed in May 2012.


In July 2013 the CID planted 32 trees in Uranium Street along the Metrorail reserve.


Spikes on wall – Metrorail Reserve

In June 2015 the CID installed spikes on the wall in Uranium Street which was used as an escape route for criminals.


The CID would like to thank Mr. Meyer from Meyer & Ferreira for sponsoring this project.


1. Tetra Road: Bollards were erected at the entrance in Tetra Road in order to prevent vehicles and trucks from parking on the public open space.

2. Atomic Road: Bollards were erected and sufficient parking was provided for vehicles.

3. Uranium Road: To prevent people from driving onto the public open space and for the safety of the disabled people next to the public open space the CID erected bollards in Uranium Road.

4. Reactor Road: To uplift the area bollards were planted in Reactor Road and the CID would like to thank City Parls for the donation of five trees

Due to vehicles entering and parking on the public open space at the entrance of Electron Street, a request was submitted to City Parks to enclose the section with bollards.


This was completed in November 2017.



Graffiti was noticed on exterior walls of business premises and on the vibracrete wall in Uranium Street.

The graffiti was removed by Law Enforcement in March 2018.


Tree removal / Root pruning

Electron Road:

The CID noticed the damage the roots had caused to a wall and the pavements in Electron Road and submitted a request to City Parks. A site meeting was arranged.


Permission was obtained from the property owners and the trees were removed and the root pruning completed.

The CID submitted a request to City Parks and 23 new Acacia trees were planted in Electron Street.

A further request was submitted to the Roads Department to tar the pavements in Electron Road. The tarring was completed in February 2013.



Uranium Road:

A further request was submitted to City Parks for the removal of trees and root pruning in Uranium Street due to the roots causing damage to the pavement. This was completed in February 2015.

tree removal


Molecule Road:

The CID submitted a request to City Parks due to the roots causing damage to the paving at Erf 15963, Molecule Road.


In March 2015 the root pruning was completed.

November 2015 the tarring was completed.


A request was submitted to City Parks due to roots causing damage to a pavement in Uranium Street.
The root pruning and removal of three trees were completed in August 2017.

Glucose Road, Bellville South

The CID closed off Glucose Road with a 2.2m high precast wall. People were entering the CID area and crossing the railway line with trolleys which posed a safety threat. This road was also used as an escape route for criminals, a dumping site, and burning of copper took place almost on a daily basis.


GLUCOSE ROAD: Extension of wall

After the flat wrap on top of the wall was damaged and the CID observed people still entering and climbing over the wall, the CID extended the wall with a further 600mm concrete slab.


In November 2012 the CID installed galvanized spikes on top of the wall.


Fire Hydrants

After a huge fire broke out at one of the premises on the 7th July 2010 and due to the fire hydrants that were faulty the CID sent a request to Fire Services to check all the fire hydrants throughout the area. The CID also enquired if the fire hydrants were sufficient. All the fire hydrants were checked/painted and the CID would like to thank Fire Services for their prompt response.


In November 2014 the CID submitted a request to Fire Services and all the fire hydrants were checked and painted again.

CID Trailer

The Department Community Safety (DOCS) donated a trailer to eight City Improvement Districts (SRA’s).

The trailers were handed over on the 18 March 2013 by the Hon. Dan Plato (Minister of Community Safety), Mr. G. Morris (Chief Director: Sekretariat for Safety and Security), and Dr. G. Lawrence (Head of Department).

Signage and a security gate were installed on the trailer.

The trailer is deployed from Mon – Fri in Uranium Street that leads to the public open space together with a security officer. People entering and leaving the area are monitored daily.

Cleansing of the whole Triangle Industrial Area

At the onset of the implementation of the CID, the area was perceived as very dirty with sand in the verges, litter, dumping, long grass and weeds, etc.

A “once off” cleansing of the whole area was conducted. This included the cleaning and leveling of a green belt strip. The cleansing of the entrance to the CID in addition to the areas adjacent to the railway lines and in between business premises also received attention.

© 2014 | Triangle Farm CID
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